Passionate About Equipping You with Skills for Linux Kernel Development, Device Drivers, and Advanced Kernel Issue Resolution
Mastering Kernel Development and Device Drivers empowers you to transform concepts into robust, functional systems
Individual Online Learning
Learn through online live classes..
Linux Kernel Foundation is one of the leading e-learning platforms that help individuals learning system development skill through advance C, C++, Linux Kernel Internals, Linux Device Driver, Network Device Driver, Internet ofThings(loT) online program.

Classrooom Lessons
Check out Linux Kernel Foundation’s latest classroom training program.
Although online training is becoming increasingly popular, linux kernel foundation experts agree that we will never completely replace classroom training considering huge demand for classroom training.Join classroom programmig course at linux kernel foundation & learn from one another aswell as from the trainer.
Coding Camps
Unlock your super brain, We together will change the game
Take advantage of the huge demand for software developers. Our codingcamp can help you improve your job prospects.

Customize and build linux kernel source code
Play with the Linux kernel source code, get hold on the fundamentals of kernel code to understand harder & advance operating system topic.
Our Instructors
Highly experienced trainers from top leading product-based companies
Best instructor havingexperience of cracking product-based companies like Qualcomm, Cisco,Juniper, Intel, HP, Samsungetc..
Yogesh M.
Yogesh is a former Qualcomm employee who worked as lead Engineer at Qualcomm before joining the linuxKernel Foundationas Linux Kernel Device Driver and Embedded system Instructor. Currently he is working asa senior system engineer with a startup for new platform development for builidng highend devices usingIOT and Al-ML based technology.
Aman Gupta
Aman worked as a Senior Software Engineer at Intel and previously had taken classes of Linux Operating System course in IITs as visiting faculty. He loves both learningand teaching and hasa particular passion for explaining difficult concepts to an easier way and making them easier to master.
Abhay Kumar
Abhay Kumar worked asa Senior Software Engineer at samsungand Juniper. he was involved into Network Platform development and has a verygood understanding of Linux Network Device Driver, 1/0 and Interface Drivers. He likes teaching and sharing his knowledge in and around Linux Networking. He has a passion for writing new drivers for network devices.
Sunny Singh
Sunny singh has 13+years of experience in developing Embedded Products and Applications. He has done M.Tech from IIT & loves teaching in his spare time. He joined as an Embedded trainer having deep experience in System Programming. Memory management and Linux Device Drivers. He always striving towards creating great learning experience.
Akash has10+years of experience with Samsung and was involved in developing software product for embedded domain before joiningus as an Embedded trainer having experience creating robust and realtime application for embedded devices. He is very compassionate towards teaching and sharing his past learningexperiance.
Vansh Maurya
vansh Maurya is a former HP employee who worked as an expert engineer at HP R&D before joining LinuxKernelFoundation as Advance C. c ++ and loT instructor. He hasa very good understanding of Python and Automation and currently working in a startup with loT projects.
Get In Touch with Us
ITPL, Bridge+, Unit 02 – 01 to 15 2nd Floor, Park Square, Whitefield Main Rd, Bengaluru – 560066
Phone Number
+91 9620769990

Join the Revolution
To enhance the skill set in Embedded Platform Development like Linux System Programming, Kernel Programming, and Device Driver Development and to know how the Embedded system work in Real Life.